
2016-09-27 10:02:30 [来源:新湖南客户端] [责编:吴名慧]



The Bosses’ Screen Time

戴 希

Dai Xi



The day following his transfer to the county news centre, it was arranged by Publicity Department Head Deng of the County Committee that Little Rice should follow the county committee and government to report on their enquiry into the lives of the poor. Little Rice went there in high spirits and the scenes he shot appeared on TV that very night after he came back. Thinking that he had done a good job, he was rather pleased with himself and then the telephone at home rang.


“Little Rice, the close-ups taken when Secretary Su handed the red envelopes enclosed with money to the poor citizens were nice, but why couldn’t County Head Wang be seen?” Department Head Deng asked in a pleasant voice.


“Because he didn’t do that.” Little Rice picked his words gingerly.


“That is no excuse.” Department Head Deng suddenly raised his voice. “County Head Wang is the head of the county. Since he did go there, how could your video camera never turn once to showhim?”


“This …” “Screw this. This is ‘a missed shot!’ Comrade Little Rice.” The receiver clicked back into place.


The second time Little Rice was dispatched to report on the volunteer tree-planting mission on an islet in the big river. The holes had already been dug and the Canadian poplar saplings had been put into place. The leaders only needed to swish the shovels to refill the earth. Secretary Su, County Head Wang and the other major leaders of the county all participated in the activity.


Having learned a lesson from his last failure, Little Rice turned the video camera on all the county leaders. Thinking that nothing would go wrong this time, he slept soundly that night.


He had never expected that the next day, Director Hu of the News Centre would inform him to go to Department Head Deng’s office.


“Little Rice, this time Secretary Su appeared on TV five times, County Head Wang four times. Also, Deputy Secretary Long twice, Deputy Secretary Zhang thrice, Deputy County Head Ma also thrice, Deputy County Head Zhu twice … Tell me why?” Department Head Deng fired a question headlong before Little Rice took a seat.


Little Rice tried to compose himself. “Secretary Su is the biggest boss and County Head Wang is the second biggest. Therefore, …” he explained prudently.


“OK, let’s say that goes. But Little Rice, what about Deputy Secretary Long, Deputy Secretary Zhang, Deputy County Head Ma and Deputy County Head Zhu? Shouldn’t the length of their exposure on TV be decided by their respective official posts? This is ‘a distorted shot!’ A typical one!” Department Head Deng was so angered that he almost slapped the desk.


Knowing what he should do in front of such a fiery face, Little Rice hurriedly stepped back out like a turtle with its head buried in its shell.


Soon afterwards, the county arranged for the leaders to go deep into a certain remote village to fight the clock and help the peasants transplant rice seedlings.


It was spring and flowers had come out. That day, all the leaders who joined the peasant-aiding activity were in high spirits. With their sleeves and trousers legs rolled high, each of them started the race as soon as they stepped into the rice paddies. A cacophonous melee ensued instantly.


Again it was Little Rice who took charge of reporting this. Meditating upon the last two bitter lessons, he gave each county leader one and only one close-up this time. After the news report appeared on TV, someone gave him a buzz immediately, heaping praises upon him that the peasant-aiding activity had been captured in such a splendid moving scene with repeated climaxes. How heart-lifting! Little Rice almost leapt into mid-air.


He had never expected that Department Head Deng would again summon him to his office and criticise him very sternly. “What have you done!” Department Head Deng’s face was ghastly livid. “Secretary Su actually fell behind County Head Wang. This is a misleading report. ‘A reversed shot!’” The desk was slapped to give an ear-deafening sound.


Little Rice, who seemed as if his head has been struck by the Five Thunderbolts, nonetheless, explained chicken-heartedly. “But on that day County Head Wang really did the transplanting workfaster and Secretary Su couldn’t catch him up!”


“Little Rice, do you know what politics is, huh?” Department Head Deng gnashed his teeth. “Can’t you do something to your shots?”


“Department Head Deng, is this mentioned by Secretary Su?” Knowing that he had committed an unpardonable sin, Little Rice now only wanted to make certain who his tormentor was.


“Comrade Little Rice!” Department Head Deng was sitting on a carpet of needles. “Nothing is small in a news report. The bosses’ honour is at stake. Honour! You slipped up three times and I took the rap three times. Three times, don’t you know?”


Little Rice looked like he had swallowed a sour date. Heart-broken, repentant, crystal clear tears immediately began to roll down from the corners of his eyes drop by drop.

