
2016-09-27 09:54:51 [来源:新湖南客户端] [责编:吴名慧]


双 赢

A Win-win Story

戴 希

Dai Xi



Feuding people will meet. Seemingly this saying was meant for the couple Jin Kemu and Grey Baby. The couple quarrelled every three days and bickered every day. Every time she reached the summit of her rage, the wife Grey Baby would fling something to the floor – a bowl, a tea cup, a chair … Every time the outraged Grey Baby did that, Jin Kemu became a turtle with its head withdrawn into its shell, his gall-bladder broken but his heart aching.


This time before their supper was over, Jin Kemu and Grey Baby again started to bicker endlessly over something as trivial as a sesame seed. When the gunpowder smelt strongest in the air, Grey Baby relapsed into her old habit by snatching up a bowl from the table and flinging it towards the floor. Guangdang – the bowl clattered and fell into shards.


However, unlike his former self, Jin Kemu not only refused to bow to her superiority this time but put on a bold front with his chin up and his chest out.


“You are good enough! There are so many bowls on the table. Just do it, continue!” Sittingsquarely at the table with his arms crossed in front of his chest, he apparently didn’t give a damn.


“Think I daren’t do it?” Taken aback, Grey Baby swished her two arms spitefully like a broom across the table after shooting her husband a furious glare. Hua-la-la, the bowls and chopsticks from the tabletop rained down onto the floor.


“Good! And the table. Smash it, do it!” Jin Kemu stood up and goaded Grey Baby while stepping back towards the wall.


“Think I daren’t do it?” Grey Baby again shot a menacing glare at Jin Kemu and snatched up a big stick to lash out.


“Good! And the chairs?” Jin Kemu wrung his hands.


“Yeah!” Grey Baby gritted her teeth.


The chairs were reduced into pieces.


“And the iron wok?”


“As you wish!”


The wok lay in shards on the floor.


“And the water vat?”


“Your wish is my command!”



After a while, practically everything that was breakable in their home had been trashed and mess was strewn all over the floor like the flowers sprinkled by a fairy goddess.


Not until then did Jin Kemu assume the appearance of a punctured football and Grey Baby stood in front of what seemed to be a triumphant arch.


Quarrel they might, but they still had to carry on living afterward! The next day after they both calmed down, they had to go to the city together to buy a wok, bowls, a water ladle, a basin, a table, chairs and benches … On their way back they did the calculations in detail. More than two thousand yuan had gone. For a not so well-off rural household, it was no small sum.


Feeling that her heart had been cut at, Grey Baby regretted very much how she had lost control of herself too easily. However, she would never show that on her face but try to get a grip on herself so that Jin Kemu couldn’t find her weakness.


Jin Kemu, though his heart ached too, put on a generous face. “Honey, as long as you feel your anger and hatred have been relieved, when we quarrel later on just trash the lot. Take them as earth clods or as someone else’s scrap!”


“What should we do after that?” Grey Baby looked at Jin Kemu in surprise.


“Escort you to the city to go shopping again!”






Jin Kemu grew easier in his heart but Grey Baby lowered her head unconsciously.


“I shall never do that again! Not even if the Heavenly Lord orders me to!” Grey Baby became crestfallen.






Jin Kemu took it with a pinch of salt.


After not that long a period of time, Jin Kemu and Grey Baby again started to do battle. When both sides were deeply engaged, Grey Baby, seized once more with a blind rage, snatched up a bowl from the table ferociously.


Jin Kemu first panicked but soon composed himself.


“Do it!” he roared subconsciously at Grey Baby.


Shooting an angry glare at Jin Kemu, Grey Baby raised the bowl high. However, though the bowl stayed in the air for a long while, her hand still gripped it tightly.


“Why should I be at your beck and call!” Grey Baby demanded unexpectedly as if being barely woken from a dream. Before Jin Kemu could open his mouth, she continued, “Blame it on my evil genius, but today your mama won’t bend to your will!”






“Huh, this, this……” Seemingly Jin Kemu was at the end of his wits like the proverbial Guizhou donkey.


In fact: he was laughing up his sleeve and Grey Baby was also secretly congratulating herself.

