
2016-09-08 15:08:29 [来源:新湖南客户端] [责编:吴名慧]



The Death of the Sparrow Hawk


Dai Xi



Back at that time, a sparrow hawk was almost everybody’s favourite creature. It looked like a hawk but was smaller; it had a hawk’s sharp beak without its ferocity. As long as it had been well-trained, it would employ its sharp beak in combing the head of its master and scratching his itch. During those nights at the height of summer when the heat was murdering, it would perch at the head of the bed and flap its wings gently to sweep coolness over towards its master and drive away the mosquitoes. If the master had an attack of migraine, it would even use its sharp beak and claws to gently massage the nerve ends on his head. The therapeutic effect was said to be miraculous. Of course, a sparrow hawk was also very good at the barbarians’ swirling dance popular during the then Tang Dynasty …


The emperor Taizong of Tang, whose original name was Li Shimin (598 – 649 AD), also loved sparrow harks very much.


One day in the fourth year of the Zhen Guan period (630) when the flowers were in full bloom, the wind was gentle and the sun was bright, someone sent an outstanding sparrow hawk with very beautiful features to Taizong.


Greatly heartened, Taizong admired and played with the bird in the inner portion of the palace. He placed it on his shoulder and reached out his left arm horizontally so that the sparrow hawk could dance graciously on his shoulder and arm.


“Our great Tang sees only a little more than twenty condemned prisoners every year. The people live and work in peace and contentment. Nobody hoards the lost property of others which was found on the road and doors are left unbolted at night. The four seas have been united as one, the whole world is harmonious and all the foreign states have come to pay homage. How many dynasties in the history of China have witnessed such a prosperous age?” While admiring the dancing sparrow hawk, Taizong congratulated himself and started to let out gleeful whistles – Xu, xu, xu.


When he was at the highest peak of his euphoria, it was suddenly announced that the remonstrator Wei Zheng (580 – 643) was already at the gate with some state affairs to be reported to the emperor for his sagacious judgement.


Like a naughty brat got ready to meet his strict tutor, Taizong’s dragon-like visage was inscribed all over with panic and dread. Looking about and finding out that there was nowhere to hide the sparrow hawk, he had to stow it in his chest. Then neatening up his clothes, he sat down there solemnly and cleared his throat, getting ready to lend an ear to Wei Zheng’s report.


Having taken everything in with his eyes clearly, Wei Zheng pretended that he didn’t know a thing.


“Your subject has heard tell that if you want a tree to grow tall, you must strengthen its root; if you want a river to flow far, you must enrich its source; if you want a country to remain peaceful, you must store up your righteous virtues …” After paying obedience, Wei Zheng was in full flow about how to administer the country and subdue the nation. He also listed Yao, Shun, the Second Emperor in the Qin Dynasty, the Wu Emperor in the Liang Dynasty, the Yang Emperor in the Sui Dynasty and the other ancient Chinese emperors as examples to expound on. He delivered an especially detailed narration about how some emperors lost their kingdoms and brought death to themselves by overindulging in the cosy pleasures of songs, women, dog-racing and horseback hunting …


During his narration, he peeked nonchalantly at the movements about Taizong’s chest.


Wei Zheng was in full flow and Taizong’s heart was burning with anxiety. The sparrow hawk against his chest was breathing more and more weakly. Taizong wanted to drop Wei Zheng a tip for when he might remonstrate next time. Nonetheless, on second thoughts, he felt it improper. Since he had always respected and thought highly of Wei Zheng, he had to listen to his remonstration patiently.


However, having gained an inch, Wei Zheng demanded one foot and dragged on and on until his throat was dry like a parched land that hadn’t received any rain for ten years and white foam was slithering out of the corners of his mouth and hanging suspended on his beard like the frost in early winter.


“Your Majesty is playing with the sparrow hawk and I will play with Your Majesty!” Wei Zheng made up his mind secretly. “Since I have spewed white foam, it would be strange if the sparrow hawk hasn’t!” He pumped himself up again.


Continuing to ramble to the southernmost corner of the sky and the northernmost end of the earth and being eloquent like a roaring river, he didn’t take his leave contentedly until there was no movement about Taizong’s chest – in his surmise the sparrow hawk must have been long dead.


The moment Wei Zheng left Taizong freed the sparrow hawk and took a look. His treasure was already dead meat. His heart was aching and his wrath was soaring.


“We will surely order that the country bumpkin be executed!” Taizong roared in exasperation.


His empress Changsun (601–36) happened to come in. “Who has offended my second brother?” she enquired.


“Who else would dare apart from Wei Zheng? This country cousin really didn’t know where to stop!” Taizong’s anger didn’t have one sole source.


Empress Changsun was taken aback. “Wei Zheng? What did he remonstrate with your Majesty about?”


“A huge load of rubbish. He even rebuked me for having slain my brothers in front of the throne room and for having imprisoned my benign father in the Inner Chambers … He concluded that I became the emperor to atone for my crimes and that I should make progress after knowing of my shame. You see, you see, I only played with a sparrow hawk this one time. Did he need to overact like this?”


“Oh, this –” Pondering awhile, Empress Changsun stepped down silently. After changing into her court clothing, she doubled back in a hurry and performed humbly the prescribed ritual to Taizong.


“Bodhisattva Guanyin’s Maiden Servant (Empress Changsun’s nickname), why …?” Taizong was in a fog.


“Congratulations to Your Majesty! Your Majesty is blessed and the Great Tang is auspicious!” Empress Changsun was beaming.


Taizong furrowed his brow. “How did you arrive at this conclusion?”


“Your subject has heard tell that when an emperor is wise his ministers are righteous. Only a sagacious emperor can have upright ministers. … The so-called Wei Zheng is a homophone that means ‘to benefit the governance;’ Your given name Shimin means ‘to aid the world and succour the people for generations.’ … The ancients have stated that excessive attention to a plaything saps one’s will to fight. Wei Zheng only wanted to admonish Your Majesty to arouse your determination to govern well and to concentrate on state affairs! …”


Taizong’s rage finally gave way to delight.


Empress Changsun also felt heartened secretly.


In fact, things went on like this: When Empress Changsun heard that Taizong was playing with a sparrow hawk, she sent a messenger to Wei Zheng quietly and then coordinated affairs from within … Taizong still didn’t have the foggiest idea about that as if he had been sealed within a huge drum.


From then on, Taizong never again played with a sparrow hawk.


The good government of the Zhen Guan period was carried forward to greater brilliance.


Not long after Wei Zheng’s death, Empress Changsun also departed this life at an early age.


Nobody knows when this habit started, but later on Taizong would produce a bronze mirror to look at his image when he felt lonely, sometimes with tears at the corners of his eyes.


His ministers couldn’t figure out why. Taizong explained: “With a bronze mirror, one can neaten up one’s hat and clothes; with history serving as a mirror, one can understand the reasons behind the ancient prosperity and what succeeded it; with a man serving as a mirror, one can tune into his gains and losses. Now Wei Zheng is gone. We have been deprived of a mirror.”


