
2016-08-31 16:29:01 [来源:新湖南客户端] [责编:吴名慧]



It’s Very Simple in Fact


Dai Xi



In spite of being in the full glare of daylight one thug was waylaying people as if there was nobody around. The victim gripped her handbag for all she was worth and wouldn’t loosen her hands even if it might cost the woman her life.


“Get the robber, get the robber!” she shouted almost in desperation.


People passed by on the street. Some turned a blind eye, some halted to watch from afar and some retreated as they watched. No one dared to step forward to stop the thug from carrying out his robbery. Not only did they not dare stop the thug but they didn’t even dare snap at him. Not only did they not dare snap at him but no one was even willing to report it to the police by quietly using their mobile phones.


Silence. There was a spell of horrible silence.


After the silence, one bespectacled young man who looked like a weak scholar suddenly let out a furious roar and charged at the thug like a wolf.


Surprised greatly, the thug immediately produced a pointed knife and, his eyes almost bursting open at the rims, glared at the young man. “A dog bites at a mouse? If you don’t know what’s good for you, Papa will impale you!”


Taken aback, the young man still pounced like a wolf.


Soon, swaying, the young man crouched down. However, after a while he gritted his teeth and stood up again. In spite of having been stabbed in the abdomen with the sharp blade, he fought back the piercing pain, not even falling down. One of his hands grasped the handle of the knife like grim death to prevent it from driving in any further. His other hand clamped the thug’s wrist in a vice-like grip and never loosened.


The woman took advantage to struggle free and then, whooping loudly, threw punches at the thug.


His face reddened awhile and then grew pale for a while. The thug lost his bearings temporarily.


Affected in a deep way by the young man’s heroic feat and their emotions running high, the crowd catapulted at the thug like a swarm of bees. In the melee, seven or eight hands nailed him down on the ground.


Someone immediately produced his mobile phone and reported it to the police.


A police car arrived like a whistling wind or a flash of lightning.


In a towering rage, the policemen snapped the ice-cold handcuffs over the thug’s wrists.


People helped the young man to his feet carefully and requested that the policemen take him to the hospital in the police car.


“Son, my son!” Not until the young man moaned laboriously did people find out that a little boy was standing beside him. About five or six years old, he had been scared silly by the heart-stopping scene which unrolled just now.


Its siren wailing, the police car took the young man to the hospital.


Luckily, the region where he was stabbed was not a vital part. Several days later, the young man was on the mend.


The related departments decided to reward the young man’s chivalrous deed and his colleagues all overacted like a pressure cooker that had exploded.


“He is the most chicken-hearted guy in our work unit!”


“Ordinarily he is cautious and prudent and wouldn’t even dare to stamp an ant to death!”


“If you’d said that a thug had robbed him as easily as blowing away dust, we would have believed you! He fought a murder-weapon-brandishing thug with bare hands and empty fists? That’s too weird for sure!”



After such comments spread, one reporter felt that the business was very fishy.


“Back at that time, there were so many people there, who were like fish but didn’t jump and who were like water but didn’t flow. You were so weak that you couldn’t stand up in a draught. Where did you find the guts to step forward? What made it especially shocking was that the thug had a nasty pointed knife. Why did you still dare to brave your way forward?” The reporter located the young man who was still on his sickbed and probed subconsciously.


The young man hesitated and responded: “Do you want to listen to the truth or …?”


“The truth of course!”


“Well, but you should never publish my words.” A bank of crimson cloud flew across the young man’s face.


The reporter nodded his head seriously.


“Back at that time my son, who was unable to hold back, tugged at my hand. ‘Father, get the thug, get the thug!’ My son is only six – a mama’s boy still wet behind his ears. I am a man, dignified and imposing. How could I play the coward in front of him and even have him look down on me?”


The reporter was brought up short. “Just for this?”


“Yeah, for this only!”

(原载《小说界》2013年第1期,转载于《小说选刊》2013年第2期、2013年4月6日《南方农村报》、《小小说选刊》2013年第6期、《小小说月刊》 2013年第6期、2013年6月11日《城市金融报》、《经典阅读·中学版》 2013年第7期、2013年10月27日《新民晚报》、2013年10月28日《 鲁中晨报》、《小小说大世界》 2013年第12期、《文苑》2014年第2期、《天池小小说》2014年第4期、《视野》2014年第8期、《杂文选刊》2014年9月(下半月版),选入《 2013中国年度小小说》、《 2013中国小小说年选》,获黔台杯·第二届世界华文微型小说大赛二等奖)

